Thursday, February 15, 2024

Righty ho....

 off we go...

'thoughtfully' and coherently.

Which means STOP

And that is a hard word, when i just walk on and landlope around... as my whole life for a decade or more is merely movement; momentum.

I stop at a keyboard only between keeping on keeping on...

Which may in earlier years have been not going very far (except in my head as only ever entirely international of mind) 

The stop is really stop bothering to speak with anyone thoughtfully, as i have been ding for a decade. With several ethical hats on. Sometimes just to attempt human to human alliance over projects such as protecting the environment or wildlife; other times a bit deeper. Or occasionally 'ethically hustling'. Definition: 100% guaranteed mutual benefit. To explain one day.

Meanwhile the  dull phase must begin: getting some funding in so as to settle into writing carefully. Even if a kind of movement energised 'slam' poetical mode i rather like...indeed is life.

To Be cont...NOW

i have stopped.

or at least a year on, 22 February,  must, for good.